It was a wonderful day! The sun was shining, everyone was smiling and we all made it without any tears. Yahoo! It was a wonderful day! The children wanted to learn about everything in the classroom and what they will learn this year. I forget how much you talk on the first day of school. All is well and they all told me they would be back tomorrow. (Hehehehe)
On Thursday, I will take the kiddos on a tour of the building and show them the dining hall. The lunch ladies will show them how to buy lunch and where they will sit. (Half day K students and new students have never experienced it.) The tour will be after a special reading as we hunt for the main character throughout the school. When we get back we will have a snack and then do a craft focusing on our main character.
Over the next few days much time will be spent on routines and procedures. I will do a lot of talking and kids will do a lot of listening. If I take the baby steps now and carefully explain everything, the rest of the year will run very smoothly. Ask your child about what routines they learned so far.
Open House is Wednesday, September 7. I hope to see you all there. If you can't make it, the information will be on the First Grade Weebly which you can access from EDLINE. (Please activate your account if you haven't done so as we will be posting all assignments and projects there.)
So cheers to a great year! I look forward with anticipation to a year filled with enthusiasm and fun!