On Wednesday, all Killam students will be celebrating Dr. Seuss' birthday by dressing like their favorite book character. It can be any character not just a Seuss character. Students will also participate in an all-school write about their favorite character. I have a few other surprises up my sleeve. It will be a fun day.
We are culmunating our unit on Native Americans with a special take home project. On Wednesday, be on the lookout for an informative letter about this project. Your child will be creating something that will demonstrate what they have learned about one region that we explored. For example, students could make an adobe hut, a tepee, or wigwam complete with terrain appropriate to the region. Students could also produce a craft of the region such as basket weaving, clay pots or wampom beads. Please encourage your child to think about their options and along with you, plan out a time line for the project. Please let me know if you have any questions after reading the information on Wednesday.

Also this month, second grade will be preparing for their Pillars Assembly on respect. This will be presented on March 23. There could be homework assignments in the coming weeks. Begin discussing this with your child so that it will be fresh in their mind as we begin preparing for the event.
Trick words this week are: brother, early, father, mother, neighbor and ocean. In Fundations we continue to learn more vowel teams. we have learned ai, ay, ee, ea and ey so far. This week the team is oi and oy. Use oi in the middle of one syllalbe words such as coin, join, boil, foil, joint. Use oy at the end of a one syllable such as toy, boy, loyal, joyful, enjoy and enjoyable.
In grammar our work continues with the use of the pronouns them and they. We encourage students to use pronouns in their writing wheneven possible. Before vacation, students wrote about Washington and Lincoln. This was a perfect example to show what they know about pronouns. Instead of using Wshington and Lincoln over and over again, they could have used the pronouns that they have learned. In writing, students are now learning to bridge more than one paragraph together. Your children are becoming very sophisticated writers. You should be proud of them.
In closing, I want to mention that I continue to check reading logs on Friday. Students need to practice reading everynight to stay fluent. If time allows, please ask your child questions to check comprehension. Also, the math epidemic is slowing down. I hope it shows its contagiousness again real soon.
Enjoy your week and hopefully March comes and goes like a lamb!