The last month has been so hectic! Your children have been so busy with learning new concepts in math, immersed in reading "good fit" and instructional text, participating in centers, book talks, exploring the symbols of US and enjoying their Thanksgiving feast with family and friends. You and I have read, internalized and discussed common core standards and your child's progress. Though it has been a lot to absorb, these standards determine where the students are heading and where they stand in this progression. I enjoyed meeting with all of you and can tell you that I so love working with children. It is a privilege and an honor to work with them each day!
Check out these pictures of the Halloween Centers thanks to Mrs. Meyers (Wyatt's mom) who thankfully had her camara that day. Our first grade Weebly will have pictures from the Harvest Centers. I want to thank all the moms who came into assist for these activities. Stay tuned for Holiday Centers that will be happening later in December. As you will see, everyone is having a fabulous time!

I have many things I am thankful for this year. I am thankful for a wonderful family. I am thankful for a terrifc class of students. I am thankful for supportive parents and families at the Killam School. Finally, I am thankful for living in a country where I feel safe and comfortable to live a "good life" as one of my students wrote this week. May all my Killam families enjoy a pleasant holiday break with family friends. Happy Thanksgiving!