Rule #1 Raise your hand before you speak.
Rule #2 Follow directions quickly.
Rule #3 Make smart choices
Rule #4 Use Time wisely.
Rule #5 Use the school listening look.
Rule #6 Stay in your seat.
Rule #7 Keep your hands to your self.
Your children are doing GREAT! While establishing classroom routines, the class has been working on building stamina for reading. Last week, I taught the children how to pick a "good fit" book. I shared with them the I PICK strategy.
I Pick not you, I Pick my book.
I Pick a book with a Purpose: why am I reading?
I Pick an Interesting book.
I Pick a book I Comprehend (understand).
I Pick a book where I Know most of the words.
Check out a class video here. It is a catchy tune and reminds them of the strategy to support picking a "good fit" book. At the end of this blog post I will post pics of the class READING TO SELF and READING TO SOMEONE as part of the Daily 5. You can find out more information about the Daily5 and CAFE at their website. The research tells us to develop stronger strategic readers the children need to be given more time to read. Please watch for Parent Pipeline letters attached to the first grade weebly for further details on how to practice these reading strategies at home. I sent a hard copy home last week about reminding your child to look at the pictures when reading. I will send another Parent Pipeline home this week about "good-fit" books.
Enjoy the fall festivities and cooler temperatures. We are rapping up our apple talk and focusing on Christopher Columbus this week. Columbus did not discover America but he was a great explorer and brought the exploration of the Americas to the for front.
Enjoy these photos of your kiddos reading and stay tuned for more photos next week.
Happy Fall!