Welcome Families to Room 14! I am looking forward to a fabulous year in first grade. As many of you may know I spent a terrific year in grade two last year but I feel fortunate to return to the joys and challenges that first grade has in store. I can't wait to get started!
Please see EDLINE if you did not receive a letter at the end of the school year with the supply list. All supplies are listed there. Thank you in advance for having your children prepared for the first day of school.
Your children should come with a snack on the first day. I will meet the children at the back of the building at 8:15. Dismissal on Wednesday and Thusday will be 11:00 AM. Please have patience for the first few weeks at dismissal time as I get used to the faces of those who will be picking up your child. If there is a change in pick-up at anytime...PLEASE PUT IT IN WRITING. I will send home a form at the beginning of school so that you may list days, pick-up, and bus schedules. If it's in writing, everything wshoould run smoothly.
So enjoy the last few days, I know I will. Please give a hello and BIG hug to your children and let them know I can't wait to see them.