Wow! Our first week of school was absolutely wonderful! We spent a lot of time getting to know each other and learning about our classroom community and new school rules (ask your kiddos about them). During the first couple of days we talked about what makes a great learner and a great classroom. We read several books to help guide our discussions about behavior and excellent efforts.
In addition to learning about classroom rules and procedures we also began our Daily 5 Reading To Self. We are learning about the importance of having stamina (the ability to do something for a long time) and endurance (the ability to do something for a long time even when it is hard) during Read To Self. In order to grow as readers we must work hard and read a lot. Students have found that choosing a "good fit book" and a comfortable spot helps with their stamina. Kiddos are trying out different spots throughout the room. Soon, grade two will begin switiching for reading. All students will be benchmarked to find their instructional reading level and grouped with other kiidos at their level. It seems like everyone enjoys reading and looks forward to this reading time.
In writing, the children wrote about a time when they had a strong feeling about something. We brainstromed strong feelings such as thrilled, excited, frustrated, embarassed or worried. They then would "turn and talk" about a feeling with a buddy before they stat their writing. This was to be their first narrative piece for the year which seemed to go pretty well. Every Monday, the kiddos will also write their weekend. In their "Personal Pad" they can reflect on their weekend and share small moments familiar to them in a narrative form. Each week I will choose a few students to share their writing as the class learns from each other.
We have a new math program this year called
Math In Focus. It is aligned with the new Massachusetts Frameworks (common core). It looks great and came with lots of new materials so stay tuned for mor information about it.
Well, I need to go greet my friends for the opening bell. I look forward to a great year!
I hope it is fun, safe and productive for all.