Hello Friends,
Well as of today, we have been in school eleven whole days. Rules and routines are getting better but still need review and reminders. This week I am holding the kiddos accountable and reminding them about classroom/school expectations. We are also trying to transition from one activity to another quickly and efficiently. Please discuss this with your children so that when we begin to switich classes for reading and math, time won't be lost. They are all cute little chatter bugs.
Hopefully everyone received the spelling and Calendar activities packets that went home today. First spelling, as you could see from the scores most kiddos need to practice the first grade trick words often. At open house I had a handout in the packet with suggested ideas to do with spelling/trick words. Please continue to practice these with your child. A great way is to put the words on index cards and put the cards on a ring. Keep the ring in the card to practice when in the car for short or long rides. Quick and easy! Keep the list I sent home in the back outside packet of their homework folder for easy reference. The first list of second grade trick words will come home on Tuesday (spelling day). Here's an opportunity to start a second spelling ring.
The Calendar Activities packet will come home on Friday or Monday as I said in my note. Many of you will find some pages incomplete. Hopefully this will improve in a short time. For now, I told the children these pages "could be" done at home so they can become
"experts" at school. No need to return the packets to school. The time spent on them can be recorded as part of math practice on the "LOG" that came home today.
Lastly, your child should have had a copy of their
Math and Reading LOG. Please encourage them to keep it in their homework folder. Assist them with filling it out or model for them for several days before they attempt it.
Thank you to all those who attended
Curriculum Night. It is very important for you all to hear about procedures and routines to help our class run smoothly.
Have a great week.