Saturday, May 8, 2010

Reading Stamina Analogy

When we talk about our students reading "good fit" books, we want them to read for a sustained period of time. This can and will happen when the books and stories they are reading are at their independent reading level. As parents, you should not be concerned that your child will remain in "easy books" for ever. If the child continually reads something more challenging where they have to stop and figure out many words, their stamina and interest will waiver. Research shows that as students build their stamina and successes through the reading of a good fit book, they will continue to grow and develop into lovers of literature.

Think of it as a walk on a treadmill. If you start on a speed level of 4 plus and an incline 5, you will be exhausted, frustrated and unmotivated to continue your workout. Should you begin at a more "good fit" level of 3.0 for a couple of weeks, you may find in time, you will increase that level before you know it. Your stamina and skill level will increase and you will be ready to move up a level. This is an analogy of our young readers. Readers will be inspired to move on when the time is right!