I believe the number is 36 days left of this school year. Where did the time go? Your children have worked hard becoming strategic readers, thoughtul writers, problem solving mathematicians, insightful historians and observers of science in our world. First graders grow and change quickly right before our eyes. It is a metamorphosis of growth and change in learning. One of the many rewards of teaching first grade is watching this growth and being part of the changes taking place.
As you look towards summer, take a look at this literacy website called "Reading Rockets". It will provide you with suggested literacy activities to do with your child to keep their skills polished over the summer. The last thing you want is for their skills to become "rusty" from lack of use.
Please stay tuned for up-coming end of the year plans and events. There will be mixed emotions of happiness (end of the year), saddness (missing teachers and friends) and anxiety (over what the next year will bring). The Killam School community will make the transition very easy. Happy Endings!