Monday, February 10, 2014

Got Grit

As I write my mom has just entered surgery for knee replacement. Her second one in seven years. Though 87, she is fiesty and smart, wanting to get back to her bridge playing which at times is up to four times a week. My mom has "grit". She perserveres in all she does.Mom has taught me a lot about family and hanging tough. I admire her spunk, determination and love for family. Please keep her in your thoughts as she heals and rehabs. She went into surgery with a virus but they didn't seem concerned even though she had a fever of 101. Mom is a fighter so I hope in a few weeks she'll be on her way to gaining her independence back and showing that "grit" in her rehabilitation.

This week will be busy with spelling assessments, math assessments, an assembly, 100th Day and our Valentine's Day celebration. Please remember we can not have any food brought into school for celebrations so I am asking that each family send in a special treat for your own child. I will send home a special bag with a note later in the week.

Please keep studying those first and second grade trick words. I will assess Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Math assessments for Chapter 7 will be done Thursday or Friday depending on the math groups. Chapter was on metric measure (meters and centimeters). Please encourage your child to show some "grit" as they practice and work on these skills. Math especially can be challeging for some. With perserverence and good effort, kiddos can make big strides in their accomplishments.

I hope everyone has a wonderful vacation. It's a great time to rest, relax and spend time with family and friends. If you are traveling, I wish you safe and fun filled adventures.

Enjoy these pictures of Dan Crips, our Native American visitor from last week. I hope you heard great things about him. Information will be coming home soon about our field trip to the Museum at Harvard University on Thursday, March 6. We will need lots of chaperones so clear your calendar.

Keep warm!
Deb Dellovo