Monday, September 17, 2012

We Are Happily On Our Way!

I am happy to report that Room 14 is happily on the way to a successful school year. We have established classroom rules, routines, and procedures to help keep us moving forward safely and comfortably. Everyone seems excited to learn new things and share their learning experiences with families and friends. Hopefully you have heard from your children what we have in store.
Photos will be posted here on the blog as well as special websites for spelling, reading and math practice. and will be regular sites for nightly practice. You can explore these sites here but I will send home more information this week in homework folders. Also, please feel free to check out The Daily Cafe website for articles and strategies for helping your youngsters with their reading. It is so important that your children are reading good fit books each night. Ask your child about "the five finger rule" for selecting a good fit book. Remember reading to your child is just as important. Children need to hear what good reading sounds like. I am in the process of assessing their reading to find their instructional and independent reading levels so that we can begin grouping students for our TIM TIME (Tiered Instructional Model).
For those of you who attended Open House, you heard me discuss our tiered model for math as well. We are assessing students in math as well and grouping kiddos who would work best together according to their skill set. Hopefully all assessments will be completed and groups for reading and math will be established by the end of the month. Remember these groups are flexible and students maybe moving in and out according to their skill needs. We will keep you informed when this will happen. All classes are building stamina for reading daily, building math routines and practicing fact strategies. On Wednesday, the PTO has planned our annual WALK FOR CHARACTER. I hope the weather cooperates. I think the committee is still looking for volunteers so please let them know if you would like to help out. Enjoy your week and the last few days of summer!