Do you recognize any of these amazing characters? On Wednesday, April 13 many interesting, creative and incredible people showed up in Room 14. The stories they had to share were remarkable and impressive. I congratulate all of these participants on a job well done. Of course I am talking about your children. All were eager and enthusiastic about sharing what they with Miss Carlow's 4th Grade students and each other. The second graders were surprised to find a twin at lunch or walking the halls that look alike. Thank you to all families who made this possible.
It was great to see so many families at the Learning Fair. Your kiddos were pleased to share their class and projects with all of you. They have been working so hard and as you can see there's a lot that goes into each day. Thanks again for visiting!
Our next big project is our Heritage project that we will begin work on next week. Killam has students and families from many different backgrounds. All second graders will research their heritage in books and online with the support of Miss Simopolous in the library. It will take several weeks to compile the information so stay tuned!
Incase you didn't know it, there are only 39 days left of school. It's so hard to believe. We are looking forward to the days ahead. The second graders will be finishing up the Science unit on Weights and Balances. In the coming weeks math will continue to focus on place value to the ten thousands and multiplication as we complete the last units of the Everyday Math program. Fundations will wrap up the last of the double vowel rules and grammar rules include possessive nouns and adding endings to verbs. So, don't think we are winding down....we still have LOTS to do!
It will be the WOW FACTOR!