Monday, January 10, 2011

Happy New Year!

Well where has the time gone. I awoke in the middle of the night last night and realized I haven't blogged in the new year. Time flies when you are having fun. I hope you all had a pleasant and funfilled holiday. Mine was busy with friends and family, shopping, returning and moving my son Tony back from UMass. He has decided to commute to Amherst for the second semester. Oh boy...and gas is $3.10 a gallon! It is cheaper then paying rent. Anyway, let's look forward to a bright and prosperous year for all.

This new year bring lots of interesting learning in math. As second graders the study of shapes goes to a new level. We are introducing more vocabulary such as: vertices, quadrangles, pyramids and prisms. Explore these words with your child as you help them find 3 dimensional shapes around your home. Also, finding symmetry in nature is always fun! A symmetrical shape or design is repeated when cut in half. Some students are still having trouble with partial sums. Remind them about marking hundreds, tens and ones at the top of their probel to help them. Also, have them picture "base ten blocks" when doing them as well.

In literacy, our TIM/DRI time continues with the possiblity of some flexible movement in the next couple of weeks. Our students are grouped with other readers with similar needs and levels. Discuss reading strategies with your child. Ask them about their goal on the CAFE menu. In Fundations, students will review the r-controlled vowels and syllables. Next week we begin Unit 10 which will teach the double vowel syllable type: ai, ay. Words to practice are; main, pail, stain, braid, stay, wait, waiting, and painted. All words similar to these can be added. Have your child tap words and write them for you as a practice. Use a white board if you have it and they can (write) it again while erasing it. Finally in grammar, students are finishing up with contractions and will be learning how to use pronouns next week.

Native Americans are of such interest to the kiddos. I am looking forward to their "Winter Count" project which is a craft fro the plains tribes. Thank you for being prompt in sending in the homework and brown bags for the project. I wil post pictures next week of their "Winter Count" projects. On Tuesday, January 25, all second classes will be visited by a real native american. He will bring authentic artifacts and a tipi. It is fun to compare and contrast the peoples from the differnet North American regions. Your students are working on a portfolio of their learning. Here is a sample of one of the videos that we shared.

Finally, in the new year, remind your child to always "put their best foot forward". Students should try their best and be neat in everything they do. They are all shining stars...and great Pillars of Character (there is a Pillars Assembly on Wednesday, January 12 so have your child wear YELLOW!).

Happy New Year To All!