Grade two will continue to work in Unit 4 of the Everyday Math program. The major skill introduced in this unit is partial sums. View this Youtube clip that explains partial sums. It is simple and will help you when working with your kiddos on homework.
In Fundations, continue to practice syllables with your child; closed, opened, V-E and V-E expections. The children are doing a great job tapping and marking up these challenging words: define, music, basic, and traffic. Students practice these words during Fundations time each day and during Word Work when working with their reading teachers. Ask your child what WORD WORK looks like in their reading room. Refer to a more detailed list of words on EDLINE.
This week we will begin our Social Studies Unit on Native Americans. Your youngsters are very excited and are looking forward to learning about all the american tribes and how their cultures are different. See the map below for some areas we will research.

Bundle up and enjoy the week ahead!