To celebrate the holiday season, the second graders will participate in a Winter White Celebration. Room parents will be calling for goodies to send in for the celebration. Part of the festivities include a SNOWBALL SWAP! Please have you child bring in school supplies to swap. Suggestions will be sent home in a letter on Monday. The swap item should be wrapped in white or silver paper to represent a snowball. We all look forward to a fun time.

Our Natvie Americans Unit will begin with a check of what your kiddos already know. To activate their prior knowledge, I will give the children a KWL chart. Students will write about what they know, what they want to know and then at the end of the unit, tell about what they learned. A portfolio will be compiled of all their work and sent home at the end of the unit. There will be home projects and enrichment activities. Please stay tuned for more information.
In Fundations we will begin Unit 8. The emphasis is on R-controlled vowels. Please refer to the unit 8 newsletter on EDLINE and to the list of Fundations words on my page. R-controlled vowel words could include but are not limited to: car, cart, fern, bird, first, turn, turnip, fort, orbit.
In math, we will finish unit 4 and assess this week. Good luck with the practice of those partial sums. We fell behind a little so the actual introduction will be Monday. Math games would be a great gift this holiday season.
Your children have been learning about writing a paragraph. A paragraph has an opening sentence and a clincher or closing sentence. It also has at least 3 supporting sentences with details about the topic. They are also using transitional words in their writing. Our grammar lessons are about recognizing verbs (actions words) in sentences. As your children make connections in their writing, they should realize that they can should use adjectives to describe their topics as well. Ask your child about these rules. A diary or journal would be a great gift. This would allow your children the opportunities to practice these skills and feel important.
Thank you to Gianna for great week as Star Student! We look forward to grat things from Sarah this week. That will be it until after the holiday break.
Have a wonderful week. This will be the last post until after the break. May you all find peace, the best of health and good fortune in the new year!