This week will be a long one for your children as they anxiously await Halloween. It is an exciting time for all with the anticipation of ghosts and witches appearing "by the light, by the light, by the silvery light ofthe Halloween moon". That was a repeated catchy phrase from a a story I read last week. Our class will celebrate on Friday afternoon with a special Halloween craft and treats provided by the lucky recipients of a call from our room parents. Thank you in advance for your contributions.
The field trip down town on Tuesday was a huge success. The children were so well behaved and asked the best questions. The day was delightful and the weather really cooperated. A special thanks to all the moms who came along. It was a fun filled day for all (even when I was locked up!). We will be wrapping up our communities unit this week. Your children will bring home a portfolio filled with their final activities.
Beginning on Monday, November 1, your children will be infected with Math Fever. It is a very contagious disease but one they all want to contract. When your child has practiced math facts for fifteen minutes, you must send in a signed note. These notes will be sent home next Monday and can be accessed on EDLINE. More information will be sent home next week. A cure will not be found until June.
Please refer to EDLINE for Fundations' rules, lessons and information. The children should be practicing the spelling of Fundations words each night as well as their trick words. The lesson for this week is on two syllable words and new suffix endings; -ment, -ly, -able. Trick words are introduced at the beginning of each unit. We are currently working on Unit 5.
Happy Haunting!