This week we will begin Unit 3 in our Everyday Math program. The focus will be on telling time and place value. Please keep your children practicing FACT POWER! Math Fever begins this week. The Math Fever letter will go home on Monday so be on the look out. Your children will design a protrait to be diplayed all year until a cure is found. This is one disease that I hope will be very contagious!
In writing, students are learning about writing a paragraph. They are writing with an opening/topic sentence and writing at least 3 sentences with supporting details to explain their topic. Finally they write their closing or clincher to wrap up their writing piece. Students must also remember to use capitals and punctuation. Grammar skills are also being taught teaching complete sentences, different types of sentences (telling, questioning and exclamatory), and nouns (proper) and verbs (action words). Your children are working very hard developing these skills and love to share their writing ideas with classmates.
Two syllable words and suffix endings continue to be the emphasis in FUNDATIONS this week. This is Unit 5 of the Fundations program and the spelling words will remain the same. Students learn to clap words to determine how many syllables are in a word then they can "tap-out" one syllable at a time. Ask your child to clap and tap the words mascot, habit and catnip (compound word). All are becoming quite proficient at it. Yeah!
As readers, your children are continuing to build stamina as they "read to self" and "read to someone". Your readers are practicing the strategies of the CAFE which you can view for more information by clicking on The DAILYCAFE website. All second graders will switch for reading this week and continue learning and practicing new reading strategies while exploring "listening to reading and word work". We are well on our way to developing strong strategic readers. Your children are very proud of their accomplishments and with making strides with their take home reading! Kuddos!
Finally, we had a wonderful time learning about Ashley as our Star Student of the week last week. Her dad came to read to the class and she shared her favorite trophy, photos and trinket box. Ashley also had the opportunity to sit at our special Star Student desk (see photo below). We look forward to hearing about Joelle this week.