Sunday, October 31, 2010

November Already

It was another busy week in Room 14. Time is marching along and we are already into November...WOW! Hopefully you all survived Halloween. We had a wonderful celebration thanks to the organization of our room parents. The children created fun black cats, cut and assembled a spooky bingo board, shared paragraphs about their Halloween costumes and ate some great treats. It was a spooktacular time!

This week we will begin Unit 3 in our Everyday Math program. The focus will be on telling time and place value. Please keep your children practicing FACT POWER! Math Fever begins this week. The Math Fever letter will go home on Monday so be on the look out. Your children will design a protrait to be diplayed all year until a cure is found. This is one disease that I hope will be very contagious!

In writing, students are learning about writing a paragraph. They are writing with an opening/topic sentence and writing at least 3 sentences with supporting details to explain their topic. Finally they write their closing or clincher to wrap up their writing piece. Students must also remember to use capitals and punctuation. Grammar skills are also being taught teaching complete sentences, different types of sentences (telling, questioning and exclamatory), and nouns (proper) and verbs (action words). Your children are working very hard developing these skills and love to share their writing ideas with classmates.

Two syllable words and suffix endings continue to be the emphasis in FUNDATIONS this week. This is Unit 5 of the Fundations program and the spelling words will remain the same. Students learn to clap words to determine how many syllables are in a word then they can "tap-out" one syllable at a time. Ask your child to clap and tap the words mascot, habit and catnip (compound word). All are becoming quite proficient at it. Yeah!

As readers, your children are continuing to build stamina as they "read to self" and "read to someone". Your readers are practicing the strategies of the CAFE which you can view for more information by clicking on The DAILYCAFE website. All second graders will switch for reading this week and continue learning and practicing new reading strategies while exploring "listening to reading and word work". We are well on our way to developing strong strategic readers. Your children are very proud of their accomplishments and with making strides with their take home reading! Kuddos!

Finally, we had a wonderful time learning about Ashley as our Star Student of the week last week. Her dad came to read to the class and she shared her favorite trophy, photos and trinket box. Ashley also had the opportunity to sit at our special Star Student desk (see photo below). We look forward to hearing about Joelle this week.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Happy Haunting

This week will be a long one for your children as they anxiously await Halloween. It is an exciting time for all with the anticipation of ghosts and witches appearing "by the light, by the light, by the silvery light ofthe Halloween moon". That was a repeated catchy phrase from a a story I read last week. Our class will celebrate on Friday afternoon with a special Halloween craft and treats provided by the lucky recipients of a call from our room parents. Thank you in advance for your contributions.

The field trip down town on Tuesday was a huge success. The children were so well behaved and asked the best questions. The day was delightful and the weather really cooperated. A special thanks to all the moms who came along. It was a fun filled day for all (even when I was locked up!). We will be wrapping up our communities unit this week. Your children will bring home a portfolio filled with their final activities.

Beginning on Monday, November 1, your children will be infected with Math Fever. It is a very contagious disease but one they all want to contract. When your child has practiced math facts for fifteen minutes, you must send in a signed note. These notes will be sent home next Monday and can be accessed on EDLINE. More information will be sent home next week. A cure will not be found until June.

Please refer to EDLINE for Fundations' rules, lessons and information. The children should be practicing the spelling of Fundations words each night as well as their trick words. The lesson for this week is on two syllable words and new suffix endings; -ment, -ly, -able. Trick words are introduced at the beginning of each unit. We are currently working on Unit 5.

Happy Haunting!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Weekly update

Hi everyone! I hope everyone had a pleasant weekend after the storm of Thursday and Friday. This week will be busy and packed with lots of learning experiences.

First, on Monday morning all Killam students will be seeing a presentation on bullying. As you all know, this is a hot topic and our students need to be made aware of the clear differences between annoying behavior and bullying. They also need to know when they are witnessing this behavior and when to come forward. It is a serious issue and there many concerns that face students each day. Ask your child about the presentation and what they learned.

Tuesday will be our field trip to Reading Center. We will be visiting the fire and police stations, as well as the town hall and post office. Don't forget the bagged peanut free lunch and drink. Parents who are chaperoning need to be at school by 8:30.

The rest of the week we will be involved in writing thank you notes and finishing up community projects. I will put together a photostory of our projects and display it here next week. Here is a sneak peak;

Please keep up the great work helping your children with FACT POWER. They are getting better everyday. Finally, second grade reading assessments should be completed this week. Your children are reading daily as part of the DAILY CAFE. Ask your child about their reading strategies when listening to them read. I will be sending home a parent pipeline to explain reading strategies as needed.

Have a fabulous week!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Working Hard

Your children have been working very hard over the last several weeks. Your second graders have been reading, writing, spelling, adding, subtracting, and exploring what a community is all about. They are writing and solving number stories, tapping and building words with new glued sounds and vowel teams, reading "good fit texts" to themselves or reading to someone, memorizing and using new spelling words, discovering rhyming words and patterns in poetry, exploring number patterns on number grids and fact tables, writing in complete sentences with skills being taught and reinforced through our new grammar program, and learning what important part service workers and volunteers make in a community. These are very full days in a second graders life! All this and children need to make friends, ward off bullies and remember how to be a TRRFCC student. You should be very proud of their accomplishments. We are making great progress.

Don't forget next Tuesday, October 19 is our field trip downtown. Parents who are joining us should be at school by 8:30. Please remember all students need a PEANUT FREE lunch with a throw way bag and drink. It will be a very informative day thanks to the community workers; police, fire, town hall and post office. We are all looking forward to this event. This week our focus in social studies will be on these service workers.

Remember to keep your child reading each night. The research tells us they should be practicing their reading strategies often. Ask them about what reading strategies they know. Telling you is a great teaching tool. Also, practice math facts regularly. While riding to soccer practice , or school...great time to drill those simple facts.

I wish you all a fabulous week. Please refer to EDLINE for newsletters on curriculum needs. This week in Fundations we continue to develop the skill of using suffix endings. In Math we continue to pratice Fact Power.

Enjoy the week!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

October Already

I can't believe we are already into the first week of October. Last week was so warm and tropical it was hard to tell we were upon the first of October. However the thermometer certainly told us over the weekend. Hopefully you were outdoors with your family and friends enjoying the lovely crisp weather either apple picking, raking or attending one of the many fairs in New England. I went to the Deerfield Fair in Deerfield, New Hampshire and saw many unusual creatures that I will share with you soon. The skies were blue and the temperature was just right for an afternoon of food and frolic. I hope you all did the same.

This week in Room 14 the students will begin Unit 2 of the Everyday Math Program. A newsletter on the unit will go home Monday to inform you of the skills that will be reviewed, practice and taught. Please have your students practice their math facts as well whenever possible.

Glued sounds continue to be the focus in Fundations and the Unit 4 skill is suffixes. Please see the Fundations newsletter for Unit 4 which is on EDLINE. Every Friday your students will be given a dictation check or test for skills taught in that unit including the trick words. Soon, your child will be invited to participate in spelling (trick word) practice on a website called Spellcity. I will send more information when this will begin but go to the site and check it out.

Thank you all for being so diligent in sending back the permission slips for the Reading field trip. All parents who volunteered are invited to come. Please make sure you have an updated CORE. We will continue our preparations for the trip. This week I will be teaching the students about goods and services in a community and community wants and needs. The students did a fabulous job locating where you live on the town map. They can be an official navigator for you now.

In closing, remember that Thursday is Picture Day and then one more day to a nice long fall weekend...