To those who missed the evening, have no fear! A folder of goodies is on its way home to you. Take your time filling things out and selecting a conference date. You can check out the power point presentation on EDLINE if you choose and you can find all of the Fundation's unit newsletters there as well.
This week our focus will be on the beginning of our social studies unit on communities. We kicked it off today with a brainstorming word splash about What Words Do I Think Of When I Think About Communities?Ask your child what words we discussed. It was a very bountiful discussion. This unit will conclude with a field trip to down town Reading in October. Arrangements are being made to visit the police and fire stations as well the town hall. Stay tuned for more information on the date of this event.
In math, your students have been reviewing skills taught in grade one of the Everyday Math Program. Most skills are practiced through hands on activities and games. Here are some pictures of some of your children playing math games with their partners.
Finally, this Wednesday is Walk For Character Day. Please have your child wear Yellow that day to represent second grade. We all look forward to a fun filled morning.
Well that's a wrap till next week. Remember to email me if you have any questions. Merel Abruzzese has offered to do our book orders. A very special thank you goes out to her. The orders should go out Tuesday or Wednesday. There was lots of interest so I suspect there will be lots of points for class books...thank you, thank you!