Well we made it through the first fifteen days of school. The children are getting very comfortable with each other and the routines of Room 14. They are a terrific class with lots of energy and enthusiasm to help others. I look forward to fabulous things this year.
Killam had a very successful Walk for Character. Here are a few photos from the day. I'm sure you heard all about the walk, obstacle course, relays, playground safety and freeze dancing that parents planned for the day. We had an awesome time. It was so well organized and the children had lots of fun. A special thanks to all families who were responsible for this great day that began with a ribbon cutting of the new playground structure. Way To Go Killam PTO!
This week Room 14 continued with the routines of the Daily5 with READ TO SOMEONE. The children are building stamina while they are checking for understanding as they read with a buddy. Ask your child about EEKK! and the other behaviors of READ TO SOMEONE. Again, to build strong strategic readers the children need to read, read, read. Here are a few students involved in the daily routine:
Homelinks will begin this week as part of Everyday Math homework. Students will be responsible for carefully tearing out the pages and bringing them home. The first assignment will be on Tuesday night so be on the lookout.
Finally, mark your calendars for Tuesday, October 19. This will be the Second Grade field trip to downtown Reading. The fire station, police department, post office and town hall will graciously opened their doors for our classes on that day. A notice will go home soon so stay tuned. All chaperons who have a CORE check will be invited to join us. It will be an exciting day for all.
So, everyone have a fabulous week. Please have your child continue reading each night and remind them that Tuesdays and Fridays are PE days. Also, a gentile reminder that library books are due on Friday as well.
Happy Fall!