Hi Families, I know it has been awhile since I have written a post but technical difficulties on this site have frustrated me and I have postponed returning to the blog. However, I have many cute pictures I want to share and hopefully I will have some success. Our work with the Native Americans is coming to a close. Your kiddos will be coming home with a portfolio of projects and information. They all did such a wonderful job on their projects. Each proudly presented their work and it has been on display in the 2/3 HI/D. Please make a plan with your child to pick-up or have them take their projects home over the next few days. Our Native American research and activities were highlighted by a visit of a real Native American, Dan Krips, and by the exciting field trip to The Peabody Musuem at Harvard University. The children shared their knowledge and impressed the guides with they knew of all the regions. We also had opportunity to explore other areas of the museum such as rocks, minerals, insects, glass flowers, fossils, crustesans and other areas of the world such as the Phillipines and South America. It was a great day for all!
So here we are, the first weekend in March. It came in like a lamb thankfully but time is moving on. Report cards will be released in the next few weeks. The children have been working very hard reading, writing, spelling, researching, exploring and problem solving. Many areas on the report card will show continued progression towards meeting the end of the year goals. We will be assessing over the next week and beginning new units of study for the final term. In Science, we will beging a unit on Weights and Balances. In Math we begin work with money reviewing the counting of dollars and coins being able to write the totals in two ways ($__.__ and __Cents). Learning to make change will also be explored. In grammar, our next unit is writing and the use of contractions. Please keep your children practicing their math facts, reading and don't forget SUPER SLIPPER SPELLING DAY on Tuesday.
Happy Spring!
Deb Dellovo