Will spring ever arrive? We had a sneak peek last week. I think we all need the warm weather to stay. This month Room 14 has been very busy with the presentation of our Native American Projects, beginning a new Science Unit on Weighing and Balancing and preparing for the distribution of report cards. We survived and we are looking forward to our final term together. It is hard to believe there are only 55 days left of school. WOW! Where did the year go? Your children are more experienced readers, writers, scientist, mathematicians, historians and so much more. This year has been awesome! Please see the other posts on the projects, our science lesson on mobiles and our talented stars of the stage in Space Pets.
In Math, we just finished unit 8 on fractions. The children will be assessed on Monday. Fractions and arrays are preparing students for multiplication and division. The children are very motivated to learn to multiply and divide. Please have them continue practicing FACT POWER as they need to have those facts down. Many have not practiced Fact Fever in awhile. It would be very beneficial!
In writing, the children continue to practice the writing of a paragraph. Paragraphs need to indent, have a topic sentence, three or more detailed sentences and a clincher or closing sentence. Some of the children have a good handle on this already at this point in the year and they are moving on to capably handling the writing of two bridged paragraphs. In the details they should be using transitional words to change up each sentence or detail. This was practiced when they brought home the writing paper on respect for people and the environment. Some kids still need reminders to use capitals and periods but fifth grade teachers tell us that is happening in fifth grade too!
In Fundations, we continue with double vowel teams. This week the focus is on ou and ow in words like; cloud, proud, down, frown and plow. In grammar we are learning the rule for using commas when writing a list of items in a sentence. Again, some students are using this rule at this point and for others it will be new to them. Thank you for your support when discussing and reviewing these rules with your kids at home.
Finally, this week in social studies we will be discussing different important people in history. Students will learn that famous people can be in history, science, math, music, art and sports. The children will be given the opportunity to explore many biographies and pick a famous person they would like to learn more about. If your child has mentioned to you that they will be doing another very special project, it will be a biogrpahy. More information will be sent home this week. As before, there will be two weeks to work on the project at home and the kids will be expected to balance their time on the project. The children will present their information to the class in costume and during the Learning Fair.
I hope you have a wonderful week and enjoy these lastest posts! Don't forget that the second grade Pillars assembly will be on Wednesday, April 6. It is on respect and the students are encouraged to wear their pillar color of yellow!