Well here we are at the final week of second grade. Was it just me or did this year just fly by? So many memories and new learning experiences to recall. I have compiled a CD of most of the memories of the year. It will come home the last day of school so be on the look out! I hope you enjoy watching it with your child!
Posted here are the fabulous insect projects that came in last week. Incredible!
I wish all my second (third) grade friends and their families a terrific summer filled with fun and frolic! Please remember to encourage your children to READ, READ, READ so they won't get "rusty"! I am attaching some links of online game sites to practice literacy and math skills. It will be a fun way to have your child work on a variety of skills in a fun way! Here is another for comprehension and one for math. Another site for all skills is Toon University. Have fun and keep the learning alive!
Finally, I want to thank you all for your support through out the year. You are all incredible families to work with and are a fine tribute to the Killam community. I will miss you all and wish you well in your future endeavors. A special thanks to Ava and Jessica's moms for coordinating many events, goodies and supplies. It was very much appreciated.
That's all folks! Have a great summer and good luck to all in Third Grade! In Friendship, Deb Dellovo!